Friday, April 22, 2011

Visita Iglesia

In the last four years, It has always been a tradition of our group to participate at the station of the cross at Antipolo. It is a long walk from our house to the Antipolo Church. It will usually take you six long hours of walk to finish the whole thing. It's my form of sacrifice for the Lord during the Lent. This year, I decided to break my tradition. This year, I decided to participate at the Visita Iglesia with my ATC  family. Visita Iglesia is similar to the thing you do at Antipolo but the twist here is that you have to go to 13- 14 churches to finish the whole thing. This means that one church is equivalent to one station.

Yesterday, we started our sacrifice at the first church which is located at Pateros. We walked from one church to another. We can't eat, nor take a jeep or any means of transportation until you finish half of it.When we arrived at the 9th station, we decided to grab something for our hungry tummy. After that quick lunch, we decided to continue our long journey. It was a tiring afternoon and it felt like my body is about to give up but keeping the thought in my head that I'm doing this for God makes me want to finish this process. As we arrived at the Last church which is the Sacred Heart church, I feel so happy knowing that I was able to finish everything. I offered a prayer and thank him for all the blessings the whole year. This was indeed a memorable experience for me. It was a tiring walk but it was all worth it. I can't wait to do this again next year.

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