Friday, July 9, 2010

NO PE class, more PRODUCTION!

When I was diagnosed with VKH, my doctor told me to make arrangements with my PE professor. I am allowed to do 1 physical activity per day. I have to limit my activities so that it won't cause any trauma to my eyes. When I had y medical certificate in hand, I had a meeting with my PE professor and the head of the PE Department. They allowed me not to do activities such as swimming and arnis but I have to exert extra effort on the upcoming projects of the PE Department this coming August. Im really happy with the arrangements because I'm assigned to do a task that sprung my interest.

F.Y.I, I've been in the stage management scene for two years now and I can say that I pretty much know the ropes inside a production. Good thing my professor as well as his boss is considerate enough with my condition. I'm looking forward to more productions ahead of me this semester. I wouldn't miss this for the world!

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